A small module to convert a Unix timestamp to Readable Date/time.
Defines a structure to hold the date after the conversion and names it SntpTime. A conversion from a Proton version by Gabi
The variables in the structute are:-
Sec As Byte Min As Byte Hour As Byte Year As Word Month As Byte Day As Byte Dow As Byte DowStr As String * 3
Demo code
Include "usart.bas" Include "convert.bas" Include "unixtimedate.bas" Dim unixtime As LongWord SetBaudrate(br19200) unixtime = 34857915 UnixToDate(unixtime) USART.Write(SntpTime.DowStr,DecToStr(SntpTime.Day),32,DecToStr(SntpTime.Month),32) USART.Write(DecToStr(SntpTime.Year),32,DecToStr(SntpTime.Hour),":",DecToStr(SntpTime.Min)) USART.Write(":",DecToStr(SntpTime.Sec))
The module
{ **************************************************************** * Name : UnixTimeDate.BAS * * Author : Gabi Mihaila / Tim Box * * Notice : No Copyright * * : * * Date : 17-Oct-06 * * Version : 1.0 * * Notes : * * : * **************************************************************** } Module UnixTimeDate Structure UnixSntpTime Sec As Byte Min As Byte Hour As Byte Year As Word Month As Byte Day As Byte Dow As Byte DowStr As String * 3 End Structure Dim TempDay As LongWord, tempa As LongWord Public Dim SntpTime As UnixSntpTime Const Months_Days(13) As Byte = ( 0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31), DOWStrConst(7) As String = ("Thu","Fri","Sat","Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed") Public Sub UnixToDate(PUnixTime As LongWord) { check with http://www.onlineconversion.com/PUnixTime.htm Example --> PUnixTime = 1160906700 ; input Unix Time Stamp and call this sub } // seconds: SntpTime.Sec = PUnixTime Mod 60 //; PUnixTime = PUnixTime / 60 //; // minutes: SntpTime.Min = PUnixTime Mod 60 PUnixTime = PUnixTime / 60 // hours: SntpTime.Hour = PUnixTime Mod 24 PUnixTime = PUnixTime / 24 // here PUnixTime equals number of days since Thu 1st Jan 1970 // so we can find the day of the week like this: SntpTime.Dow = PUnixTime Mod 7 ' DOW 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ' DOW_STR Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed SntpTime.DowStr = DOWStrConst(SntpTime.Dow) // SntpTime.Year = 1970 // we start with the NTP starting year offset // year: While 1 = 1 TempDay = 365 // say its a normal year (not leap) If (SntpTime.Year And $03) = 0 Then TempDay = 365 + 1 // LEAP Year EndIf If TempDay > PUnixTime Then Break EndIf PUnixTime = PUnixTime - TempDay Inc (SntpTime.Year) Wend // month: For SntpTime.Month = 1 To 12 tempa = Months_Days(SntpTime.Month) If PUnixTime <= tempa Then Break EndIf PUnixTime = PUnixTime - tempa Next // days: If TempDay = 366 And SntpTime.Month <= 2 Then SntpTime.Day = PUnixTime + 1 Exit ElseIf TempDay = 366 And SntpTime.Month > 2 Then SntpTime.Day = PUnixTime Exit EndIf If TempDay = 365 And SntpTime.Month = 2 Then SntpTime.Day = PUnixTime + 1 If SntpTime.Day = 29 Then SntpTime.Day = 1 SntpTime.Month = SntpTime.Month + 1 EndIf Exit EndIf SntpTime.Day = PUnixTime + 1 End Sub End