A Thermistor linearisation program using a Stein-Hart equation, originally written for the PROTON compiler by Les Johnston
// LCD proton development board #option LCD_DATA = PORTD.4 #option LCD_RS = PORTE.0 #option LCD_EN = PORTE.1 Include "LCD.bas" Include "math.bas" Include "ADC.bas" Include "convert.bas" { Thermistor linearization using a Stein-Hart equation based on a program written for the Proton compiler By Les Johnston The Program below is based On a 10K Ohm resistor As part of the thermistor's circuit: - +5 Volts -------- | \ / 10k Ohm 1% (Or better) Resistor \ / | o-------------O To PORTA.0 of the PICmicro | \ o/ \ Thermistor / | | ----- --- - The Stein-Hart linearising equation below is only suitable For describing a restricted range around the rated TEMPERATURE Or RESISTANCE with sufficient accuracy. 1 Tt = ------------------------ 1/B * LN(Rt/R25) + 1/T25 The B values For common NTC thermistors range from 2000K through To 5000K. For this application, the popular, And more complicated, Stein-Hart equation is more accurate. The thermistor used did Not provide the B value within its datasheet, but did give the T25 value. i.e. RESISTANCE At 25 degrees Centigrade. To calculate the B value use the equation below. Tt * T25 R25 B = ---------- * LN ------ Tt - T25 R100 Or: - (25 + 273.13) * (100 + 273.15) R25 B = -------------------------------- * LN ------ 75 R100 giving: - R25 B = 1483.4 * LN ------ R100 Thus, knowing the RESISTANCE At 25 degrees Centigrade And also At 100 degrees Centigrade we can use the above calculation To find the value of B For a given thermistor. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } // sort a word array... Sub BubbleSort(ByRef pArray() As Word) Dim SwapOccured As Boolean Dim index As Byte Dim SwapTemp As Word Repeat SwapOccured = false index = 0 Repeat If pArray(index) > pArray(index + 1) Then SwapTemp = pArray(index) pArray(index) = pArray(index + 1) pArray(index + 1) = SwapTemp SwapOccured = true EndIf Inc(index) Until index = Bound(pArray) Until Not SwapOccured End Sub // Get the median of an array Function GetMedian(ByRef pSamples() As Word) As Word Dim index As Byte BubbleSort(pSamples) result = pSamples(Bound(pSamples) / 2) End Function // Perform the Stein Hart linearization taking into account the thermistors characteristics Function SteinHart(pValue As Float) As Float Const T25Val = 0.0033540 // Thermistor's t25 value Const ThermistorBVal = 1.0 / 3489.0 // Thermistor's B value Dim LogValue As Float LogValue = log(pValue / 10000) // Calculate the log Result = ThermistorBVal * LogValue + T25Val // linearize using the stein-hart algorithm End Function //----------------------------------------------------------------- Const SymDegree(8) As Byte = ($06,$09,$09,$06,0,0,0,0) // Data for deg symbol in cgram char 0 Dim SampleArray(20) As Word Dim TempF As Float Dim Temperature As Float Dim index As Byte Dim Resistance As Float Dim ThermistorValue As Word Const Quanta = 5000.0 / 1024.0 // Quantizing constant for ADC reading to Voltage calculation ADCON1 = $07 // PORTE as digital (LCD) TRISA.0 = 1 // configure AN0 as an input ADCON1.7 = 1 // set analogue input on PORTA.0 DelayMS(200) LCD.WriteItem(SymDegree) // Write the custom char data to the LCD While 1 = 1 For index = 0 To Bound(SampleArray) SampleArray(index) = ADC.Read(0) // Take 20 samples and store them in the array Next ThermistorValue = GetMedian(SampleArray) // Then get the median of the array Temperature = ThermistorValue * Quanta // Work out the voltage TempF = 5000 - Temperature // Find the resistance across the thermistor Resistance = (Temperature * 10000) / TempF Temperature = SteinHart(Resistance) // linearize with the Stein Hart calculation Temperature = (1 / Temperature) - 273.15 // Convert from Kelvin To Centigrade LCD.Cls LCD.WriteAt(1,1, FloatToStr(Temperature),0,"C ") DelayMS(500) // Delay 500ms Wend End