

 ; IO pin setup
 ; Setup usart pin directions and disable any analog pin functions
 ; Most devices have the usart on pins RC6 (TX) and RC7 (RX), although some devices
 ; label these TX1 and RX1.
 ; Usually the direction is done automatically when the usart is enabled and the TRIS
 ; bits should be set (=1), but on some parts you should explicitly set the TX as an output.
 ; A few devices have analog pin functions on the TX/RX pins and these MUST be disabled

 ; generic pin settings
 ;    bcf TRISC, TX        ; RC6/TX output (usually set by peripheral)
 ;    bsf TRISC, RX        ; RC7/RX input

 ; 18F1220/1320
 #ifdef __18F1220
    bsf ADCON1, PCFG5   ; make uart pins digital
    bsf ADCON1, PCFG6
    bsf TRISB, TX       ; RB1/AN5/TX
    bsf TRISB, RX       ; RB4/AN6/RX
 #ifdef __18F1320
    bsf ADCON1, PCFG5   ; make uart pins digital
    bsf ADCON1, PCFG6
    bsf TRISB, TX       ; RB1/AN5/TX
    bsf TRISB, RX       ; RB4/AN6/RX

 ; 18F1230/1330
 ; nothing really needed here... just pointing out uart is on PORTA
 #ifdef __18F1230
    bsf TRISA, TX       ; RA2/TX
    bsf TRISA, RX       ; RA3/RX
 #ifdef __18F1330
    bsf TRISA, TX       ; RA2/TX
    bsf TRISA, RX       ; RA3/RX

 ; 18F13K22/14K22
 #ifdef __18F13K22
    bcf ANSELH, ANSEL11 ; make uart pins digital
    bsf TRISB, TX       ; RB7/TX
    bsf TRISB, RX       ; RB5/AN11/RX
 #ifdef __18F14K22
    bcf ANSELH, ANSEL11 ; make uart pins digital
    bsf TRISB, TX       ; RB7/TX
    bsf TRISB, RX       ; RB5/AN11/RX

 ; 18F2xK22/18F4xK22 family
 ; for theses devices, ANSELC is not part of the ACCESS bank
 #ifdef __18F23K22
    banksel ANSELC
    bcf ANSELC, ANSC7    ; make uart pins digital
    bcf ANSELC, ANSC6    ; make uart pins digital
    banksel 0
    bsf TRISC, TX        ; RC6/TX output
    bsf TRISC, RX        ; RC7/RX input
 #ifdef __18F24K22
    banksel ANSELC
    bcf ANSELC, ANSC7    ; make uart pins digital
    bcf ANSELC, ANSC6    ; make uart pins digital
    banksel 0
    bsf TRISC, TX        ; RC6/TX output
    bsf TRISC, RX        ; RC7/RX input
 #ifdef __18F25K22
    banksel ANSELC
    bcf ANSELC, ANSC7    ; make uart pins digital
    bcf ANSELC, ANSC6    ; make uart pins digital
    banksel 0
    bsf TRISC, TX        ; RC6/TX output
    bsf TRISC, RX        ; RC7/RX input
 #ifdef __18F26K22
    banksel ANSELC
    bcf ANSELC, ANSC7    ; make uart pins digital
    bcf ANSELC, ANSC6    ; make uart pins digital
    banksel 0
    bsf TRISC, TX        ; RC6/TX output
    bsf TRISC, RX        ; RC7/RX input
 #ifdef __18F43K22
    banksel ANSELC
    bcf ANSELC, ANSC7    ; make uart pins digital
    bcf ANSELC, ANSC6    ; make uart pins digital
    banksel 0
    bsf TRISC, TX        ; RC6/TX output
    bsf TRISC, RX        ; RC7/RX input
 #ifdef __18F44K22
    banksel ANSELC
    bcf ANSELC, ANSC7    ; make uart pins digital
    bcf ANSELC, ANSC6    ; make uart pins digital
    banksel 0
    bsf TRISC, TX        ; RC6/TX output
    bsf TRISC, RX        ; RC7/RX input
 #ifdef __18F45K22
    banksel ANSELC
    bcf ANSELC, ANSC7    ; make uart pins digital
    bcf ANSELC, ANSC6    ; make uart pins digital
    banksel 0
    bsf TRISC, TX        ; RC6/TX output
    bsf TRISC, RX        ; RC7/RX input
 #ifdef __18F46K22
    banksel ANSELC
    bcf ANSELC, ANSC7    ; make uart pins digital
    bcf ANSELC, ANSC6    ; make uart pins digital
    banksel 0
    bsf TRISC, TX        ; RC6/TX output
    bsf TRISC, RX        ; RC7/RX input

 ; 18F13K50/14K50
 #ifdef __18F13K50
    bcf ANSELH, ANS11   ; make uart pins digital
    bsf TRISB, TX       ; RB7/TX
    bsf TRISB, RX       ; RB5/AN11/RX
 #ifdef __18F14K50
    bcf ANSELH, ANS11   ; make uart pins digital
    bsf TRISB, TX       ; RB7/TX
    bsf TRISB, RX       ; RB5/AN11/RX