The PPSTool is a utility to aid in setting the PIC18F Peripheral Pin Select (PPS) configuration.


Download PPS Tool V0.0.6.5 (7z format)

NOTE: This program is now included as part of the standard compiler installation as of SF v2.2.3.3 The utility can be found in the Tools folder.

To use, unzip the file and copy the 'PPSTool' folder to a location of your choice (ie the Swordfish 'Tools' folder is a good choice). Run the application 'PPS Tool.exe'

Simply select the device, peripheral input/output function and pin, and click 'Add'. The corresponding PPS register setting (along with any #options and includes) will appear in the code window. You can highlight and copy any of the desired code to use in your source, or use the 'Copy' button to place the contents of the window into the clipboard. See the included 'help.chm' file for more details.

The tool uses files from the Microchip MCC library, so only more recent devices are supported but this includes many of the 18F series parts that have PPS.

Rev History V0.0.6.1

  • initial release (included with SF install)

Rev History V0.0.6.3 (Jul 10 2021)

  • add BiDir Pins checkbox
  • add 18FxxQ40/18FxxQ41 modifications to handle missing/incorrect info in the MCC xml files
  • add J series RPINR/RPOUTR handling missing in original versions (ie J13 and J53 devices)
  • add 18FxxJ11 and 18FxxJ50 (non-MCC devices)
  • MCC pic18 v1.81.7 device data files

Rev History V0.0.6.4 (Feb 12 2023)

  • add custom 18FxxQ71 .xml support files (no VPORT/PORTW support)
  • modify .xml support files to remove unneeded info (to reduce file sizes)
  • change register output format to 2 hex digits (was 4)
  • add #IncludePPS to OutputTemplate.txt... includes now depend on checkbox
  • fix K40/Q10 devices with a single "EUSART" peripheral defined in the xml files
  • add xv18 SPI pin options and SPIxv.bas/SPI2xv.bas support

Rev History V0.0.6.5 (Sept 2024)

  • add custom 18FxxQ24 .xml support files, custom 18FxxQ20 .xml support files
      not in MCC database files... change version.txt to "pic10-pic12-pic16-pic18_v1.81.7x2.jar"
  • add support for Ctrl-C copy to clipboard
  • remove support for Ctrl-B (dump all, debug function)
  • remove database file update support (MCC classic is no longer updated)
  • remove Update button (AboutBox1.vb), checkForUpdateMC (module1.vb)
  • change CWG PPS registers to use CWGxINPPS format... device .xml and .pic files are inconsistent
  • change K40 RXPPS/TXPPS to RX1PPS/TX1PPS to match datasheet
  • correct 18FxxQ40/xxQ41 to remove unsupported pins (remove RA6, RA7, RB0, etc)

The software is a version of the open source PPS Tool code by Peter Everett, ported for the Swordfish compiler.
The original version is available on sourceforge at https://sourceforge.net/projects/pps-tool/

Download SF PPS Tool Source Code (7z format)