FloatToStrSE module available for SwordFish SE.
This function is smaller, faster and work under SwordFish SE.
Public Sub FloatToStrSe(data_in as Float, byref data_str as string(18), digits as byte) // Convert Float value to string, lenght of string is variable from 1 to 17. // Ex. FloatToStrSE(-116.12345, data1, 0) , data1 will be "-116" // Ex. FloatToStrSE(-116.12345, data1, 3) , data1 will be "-116.123" // Ex. FloatToStrSE(-3.1, data1, 5) , data1 will be "-3.10000"
Example Code
Include "Float_conv" Dim data_str As String(18) FloatToStrSE(-3.1,data_str,5) // data_str will be "-3.10000"
Module Code
{ ***************************************************************************** * Name : Float_conv.BAS * * Author : Florin Andrei Medrea * * Notice : Copyright (c) 2007 - YO2LIO - * * : All Rights Reserved * * Date : 10/20/2007 * * Version : 1.0 * * Notes : * * : * ***************************************************************************** } Module Float_conv Function StrLen(ByRef data_str As String) As Word // returns the length, in bytes, of the string data_str FSR2 = @data_str ASM movf POSTINC2,w bnz $-1 movf POSTDEC2,w End ASM result = FSR2 - @data_str End Function Sub StrCutChr(ByRef data_str As String, chr_ As Char) // remove all specified chr from front of the string data_str FSR1 = @data_str While POSTINC1 = Byte(chr_) Wend FSR2 = @data_str WREG = POSTDEC1 // decrement FSR1 WREG = POSTDEC1 // decrement FSR1 While POSTINC1 <> 0 POSTINC2 = INDF1 Wend End Sub Sub StrCat(ByRef data_str1, data_str2 As String) // appends data_str2 to data_str1. FSR1 = @data_str1 While POSTINC1 <> 0 Wend FSR2 = @data_str2 WREG = POSTDEC1 // decrement FSR1 WREG = POSTDEC2 // decrement FSR2 While PREINC2 <> 0 POSTINC1 = INDF2 Wend INDF1 = 0 End Sub Sub adjust_1() ASM movf INDF2,w andlw 0x0F addlw 0x30 movwf POSTDEC1 swapf POSTINC2,w andlw 0x0F addlw 0x30 movwf POSTDEC1 End ASM End Sub Sub LongWord2StrWithZeros(data_in As LongWord, ByRef data_str As String) // Microchip AN526 Dim loop_cnt, j, buf(9) As Byte buf(0) = data_in.Byte0 buf(1) = data_in.Byte1 buf(2) = data_in.Byte2 buf(3) = data_in.Byte3 buf(4) = 0 buf(5) = 0 buf(6) = 0 buf(7) = 0 buf(8) = 0 loop_cnt = 0 While loop_cnt < 32 ASM rlcf buf+0,f rlcf buf+1,f rlcf buf+2,f rlcf buf+3,f rlcf buf+4,f rlcf buf+5,f rlcf buf+6,f rlcf buf+7,f rlcf buf+8,f End ASM If loop_cnt = 31 Then FSR1 = AddressOf(data_str) + 10 FSR2 = AddressOf(buf) + 4 ASM clrf POSTDEC1 End ASM adjust_1 adjust_1 adjust_1 adjust_1 adjust_1 Exit End If FSR2 = AddressOf(buf) + 3 j = 0 While j < 5 ASM movf POSTINC2,w movlw 0x03 addwf INDF2,w btfsc WREG,3 movwf INDF2 movlw 0x30 addwf INDF2,w btfsc WREG,7 movwf INDF2 End ASM Inc(j) Wend Inc(loop_cnt) Wend End Sub Sub Long2Str(data_in1 As LongInt, ByRef data_str3 As String) Dim data_str6 As String(11), buf As LongWord, buf1 As Byte data_str3(0) = 0 data_str3(1) = 0 buf = LongWord(data_in1) buf1 = data_in1.Byte3 If buf1.7 = 1 Then buf = Not(buf) + 1 data_str3(0) = "-" End If LongWord2StrWithZeros(buf, data_str6) StrCutChr(data_str6, "0") If StrLen(data_str6) = 0 Then data_str6(0) = "0" data_str6(1) = 0 End If StrCat(data_str3, data_str6) End Sub Public Sub FloatToStrSE(data_in4 As Float, ByRef data_str4 As String, digit As Byte) Dim buf_f As LongInt, txt10 As String(11), SS_FSR1, SS_FSR2 As Word SS_FSR1 = FSR1 SS_FSR2 = FSR2 buf_f = LongInt(data_in4) Long2Str(buf_f, data_str4) If digit = 0 Then GoTo loop_p End If data_in4 = data_in4 - Float(buf_f) If data_in4 < 0.0 Then data_in4 = data_in4 * -100000.0 Else data_in4 = data_in4 * 100000.0 End If data_in4 = data_in4 + 0.9 LongWord2StrWithZeros(LongInt(data_in4), txt10) FSR1 = AddressOf(data_str4) FSR2 = AddressOf(txt10) + 5 While POSTINC1 <> 0 Wend WREG = POSTDEC1 POSTINC1 = "." If digit > 5 Then digit = 5 End If While digit > 0 POSTINC1 = POSTINC2 Dec(digit) Wend INDF1 = 0 loop_p: FSR1 = SS_FSR1 FSR2 = SS_FSR2 End Sub