Devantech CMPS03 Magnetic Compass Module
A module to read the magnetic bearing from a Devantech CMPS03 Magnetic Compass Module. The bearing can be read as a word using GetBearingAsWord, giving a value from 0 - 3599 (representing the bearing in tenths of a degree), or as a byte using GetBearingAsByte, giving a value from 0 - 255 to represent 0 - 360 degrees.
Example Code
Device = 18F452 Clock = 20 #option I2C_SCL = PORTD.0 #option I2C_SDA = PORTD.1 Include "CMPS03.bas" Include "Convert.bas" Include "USART.bas" Dim Bearing As Word // program start... DelayMS(10) USART.SetBaudrate(br115200) Repeat Repeat Bearing = CMPS03.GetBearingAsWord Until Bearing < 3600 USART.Write("Bearing = ", DecToStr(Bearing / 10, 3), ".", DecToStr(Bearing Mod 10, 1), 13, 10) DelayMS(200) Until False
Module Code
{ ***************************************************************************** * Name : CMPS03.BAS * * Author : S Wright * * Notice : Copyright (c) 2007 S Wright * * : All Rights Reserved * * Date : 06/10/2007 * * Version : 1.0 * * Notes : A module for reading from a Devantech CMPS03 Magnetic Compass * * : Module * * : * ***************************************************************************** } Module CMPS03 #option I2C_SCL = PORTC.3 #option I2C_SDA = PORTC.4 Include "SI2C.bas" // target CMPS03 compass module device... Const SI2C_CMPS03 = $C0 Function GetRegister(pReg As Byte) As Byte SI2C.Start SI2C.WriteByte(SI2C_CMPS03 + 0) DelayUS(50) SI2C.WriteByte(pReg) DelayUS(50) SI2C.Restart SI2C.WriteByte(SI2C_CMPS03 + 1) DelayUS(50) Result = SI2C.ReadByte(I2C_NOT_ACKNOWLEDGE) SI2C.Stop End Function Public Function GetBearingAsByte() As Byte Result = GetRegister(1) End Function Public Function GetBearingAsWord() As Word Result.Bytes(1) = GetRegister(2) Result.Bytes(0) = GetRegister(3) End Function // init SI2C.Initialize