
This a basic temperature conversion module to provide a range of conversions between Temperature units.

A couple of examples of it in use

As Integers

Include "ConvertTemp.bas"

Dim  C As Integer
Dim  F As Integer
Dim  K As Integer

  C = 254   // 25.4 deg.
  F = ConvertTemp.CtoF(C)
  K = ConvertTemp.CtoK(C) 

As Floats

Include "ConvertTemp.bas"

Dim  C As Float
Dim  F As Float
Dim  K As Float

  C = 25.4   // 25.4 deg.
  F = ConvertTemp.CtoF(C)
  K = ConvertTemp.CtoK(C) 

And the module its self. Put away in the UserLibrary and it will be alway available for use at any time.

*  Name    : Temp.bas                                          *
*  Author  : Darrel Taylor                                     *
*  Date    : 10/5/2006                                         *
*  Version : 1.0                                               *
*  Notes   : Temperature Conversion Module for Swordfish       *
*            Converts between Fahrenheit, Celsius and Kelvin   *
*          : You can use either Integers or Floats             *
*            Integers are multiplied by 10 for 1 decimal place *
*            25.4 would be stored as 254, -100.0 is -1000      *
*          : Floats are obvious, 25.42 = 25.42                 *
* Functions: CtoF - Celsius to Fahrenheit                      *
*            FtoC - Fahrenheit to Celsius                      *
*            CtoK - Celsius to Kelvin                          *
*            KtoC - Kelvin to Celsius                          *
*            FtoK - Fahrenheit to Kelvin                       *
*            KtoF - Kelvin to Fahrenheit                       *
Module ConvertTemp

//------[ Celsius to Fahrenheit ]-------------------------------
Public Function CtoF (C As Integer) As Integer
  Dim TempLI As LongInt
    TempLI = C * 18 / 10 + 320     
    Result = Integer(TempLI)
End Function
Public Function CtoF (C As Float) As Float       
    Result = C * 1.8 + 32
End Function

//------[ Fahrenheit to Celsius ]-------------------------------
Public Function FtoC (F As Integer) As Integer       
  Dim TempLI As LongInt
    TempLI =  (F - 320) * 10 / 18
    Result =  Integer(TempLI)
End Function
Public Function FtoC (F As Float) As Float
    Result =  (F - 32) / 1.8
End Function

//------[ Celsius to Kelvin ]-----------------------------------
Public Function CtoK (C As Integer) As Integer       
    Result = C + 2730
End Function
Public Function CtoK (C As Float) As Float       
    Result = C + 273.0
End Function

//------[ Kelvin to Celsius ]-----------------------------------
Public Function KtoC (K As Integer) As Integer       
    Result = K - 2730
End Function
Public Function KtoC (K As Float) As Float       
    Result = K - 273.0
End Function

//------[ Fahrenheit to Kelvin ]--------------------------------
Public Function FtoK (F As Integer) As Integer       
    Result = CtoK(FtoC(F))
End Function
Public Function FtoK (F As Float) As Float       
    Result = CtoK(FtoC(F))
End Function

//------[ Kelvin to Fahrenheit ]--------------------------------
Public Function KtoF (K As Integer) As Integer       
    Result = CtoF(KtoC(K))
End Function
Public Function KtoF (K As Float) As Float       
    Result = CtoF(KtoC(K))
End Function