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USART only returns first 2 bytes from incoming 8 bytes

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 5:37 am
by TonyR
Hi Everyone, this has got me stuck.

I send an "ATDL" string to an Xbee from the TX1 of my 18F87J50 USART and that causes the Xbee to return 8 bytes of data + <CR> to my RX1.

I can see the 8 bytes enter RX1 on my scope but my USART.readbyte loop runs out of chars after the getting only first two chars of the 8.

Im sending the incoming chars out on USART2 TX2 to a dumb terminal so I can see whats happening.


while USART.DataAvailableTimeout(10)
c = USART.ReadByte()

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 8:41 am
by David Barker
I've tried the following and it works for me:

Code: Select all

Include "usart.bas"
dim c as byte
while true
   while USART.DataAvailableTimeout(10)
      c = USART.ReadByte()
Notice the additional WHILE...WEND to prevent the program from terminating

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 7:57 pm
by TonyR
Hi David,

Thanks for reply.

Actually the ATDL command block and read.byte block that works is all in a while wend loop. Like that I get the two chars returned at a one second interval reliably. I did try the extra while and wend. When I do that it hangs. I don't get the two chars returned at all.

Heres a bit more of the code. The first block sends +++ to the Xbee which causes a return string of "OK"+<CR>. I get OK back, but the <CR> goes missing.

Code: Select all

dim c as char 

         While USART.DataAvailable
             c = USART.ReadByte()
            While USART.DataAvailableTimeout(10)         
            c = USART.ReadByte()
This code returns: ok4040404040....... but if I comment out the outside while and wend so the code only gets called once it hangs

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 11:16 pm
by TonyR
Hi David,

Some more info.

The first code block below works, it sends +++ to the Xbee which returns "OK"+<CR>. The OK comes back from USART.readbyte but not the <CR>. It disappears.

The second code block sends ATDL to Xbee and I get the correct string of data appearing on RX1 pin according to my scope but DataAvailable remains silent.

I send ATDL again in the third block which again causes the correct string of data to appear on RX1 pin according to my scope but DataAvailable and USART.readbyte return only the first two bytes of my data string but then silence!

Code: Select all

         While USART.DataAvailable
             c = USART.ReadByte()
         usart2.write ("First try",13)
         While USART.DataAvailableTimeout(10)         
            c = USART.ReadByte()
         usart2.write ("Second try",13)
         while true
             While USART.DataAvailableTimeout(200)         
                 c = USART.ReadByte()

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 1:47 pm
by Jerry Messina
It's surprisingly difficult to get bidirectional serial communications working reliably when you just use delays and the like. You never know when the external device is going to be sending something, or how long you might need to wait. The USART module only provides a single character worth of buffering, and that's the extra char in the hardware usart itself.

Take a look at the ISRRX.bas module for an example of interrupt-driven serial port handling that uses a receive buffer. While it's a bit more involved, it's infinitely better for this kind of thing.

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 6:58 pm
by TonyR
Hi Jerry,

Thanks for your suggestion about ISSRX.bas. I might give up soon and try that.

This maybe related - USART1 is set br9600 and is 9600. I set my "monitor channel" USART2 to br9600 but what comes out is 2400. I didn't have time to chase this bug so my dumb terminal on USART2 is set to 2400. (I think thats something to do with BRG16).

Because I worried about that in another attempt I made a 10 byte receive "buffer" for USART1 with an SF array and tried to simply "clock" the 10 bytes in on "Data.Available" and got the same result. First two bytes OK, then none. ie. No I/O to USART2 and still only two bytes.

The PIC has ample processing speed to get those 9 bytes but it only gets the first two!

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 9:30 pm
by Jerry Messina
There's plenty of speed. I run interrupt-driven serial links > 230K baud with no problems at all.

Code: Select all

         While USART.DataAvailable
             c = USART.ReadByte()
The timing of this loop has to be very exact for it to work. After sending the "+++", if the device responds with more than two chars while "delayms(1200)" is executing, you'll lose characters. If you manage to make it into the while loop ok, the second time through the loop the "While USART.DataAvailable" will fail if the device has not sent another character before you do this test, so you could be off by 1us and have this fail. If uart2 baud rate is slower than uart1, you'll probably fail this loop as well.

Check the Overrun() routine after this loop, and you'll probably find it set. That would make sense... you get the "O" + "K" and then the CR is causing an overrun, or you'll find that it hasn't been transmitted yet before the loop gets to the next iteration.

It could well be that your buffering code suffers from the same sort of issues and that's why it doesn't seem to work either.

You need to restructure the loop to wait until you get a response, perhaps something like

Code: Select all

dim gotCR as boolean

gotCR = false
while (gotCR = false)
    if (USART.DataAvailable) then
        c = USART.ReadByte()
        if (c = 13) then
            gotCR = true
        end if
    end if
You'll probably want to add some additional error handling to that since there's no provision for buffering, dropped/missing chars, uart errors, or an overall response timeout, but you should be able to see all the response chars as long as usart2 is at least as fast as usart1.

You're right about the 9600 baud running at 2400... either BRG16 or BRGH isn't being set to what you want.

Oh, and using ISRRX isn't giving up at all. On the contrary, it's implementing more of what you really need to get a serial link working properly. When you sit down and think about all the varying transmit, receive, and inter-byte delay times involved, as I said it's a lot more complicated than it seems at first.

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 10:08 pm
by TonyR
A light has just gone on in my head.

There's no buffering and it didn't occur to me there's no flow control eitherl!

Now I understand, thanks Jerry.