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AD9833 code

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 12:19 pm
by honkerbob
Hi, I have knocked together some code to talk to an AD9833 DDS for a project I am working on. It is bitbashed at the moment and could probably be vastly improved. It works well and I hope it can help someone else.

The variable one_hz needs to be set up for the master clock used to drive the AD9833. In my project, this is a 24 MHz canned oscillator:

one_hz = (2^28 / DDS clock) = 2^28 / 24 x 10^6
one_hz = 11.18481067

Just insert your DDS master clock frequency into the equation to calculate your value of one_hz.

Load variable freq with the desired frequency and away you go.

This will produce a sinusoidal output.

Very best regards.

Code: Select all

Device = 18F4550
Clock = 48


Include "utils.bas"

Const HALFPOWER = 16384
CONST ONE_HZ = 11.18481067

Dim fsync As PORTB.0
Dim sclk As PORTB.1
Dim sdata As PORTB.2

Dim tWord As Float
Dim tuningWord As LongInt
Dim highWord As Word
Dim lowWord As Word
Dim freq As LongInt

Public Sub setup()

    ADCON1 = $07    ' PORTE as digital (GLCD)
    TRISB = $0000
    fsync = 1
    sclk = 1
    sdata = 0
End Sub

Public Sub calculateTuningWord(ByVal frequency As LongInt)

    tWord = frequency * one_hz
    tWord = tWord + 0.5
    tuningWord = tWord
    highWord = tuningWord / HALFPOWER
    lowWord = tuningWord And $3FFF
    highWord = highWord And $3fff
    highWord = highWord Or $4000

	lowWord = lowWord Or $4000	
End Sub

Public Sub sendData(ByVal dataWord As Word)
	Dim bitcount As Byte
	fsync = 1		' make sure chip select is disasserted
	sclk = 1		' set clock line idle
	fsync = 0		' indicate a tuning word is coming
	bitcount = 0
	While bitcount < 16        ' send out each word MSB first
	   If (dataword And $8000) = $8000 Then
			sdata = 1
			sdata = 0
		End If
		sclk = 0
		sclk = 1		' clock the data bit to the AD9833
	    dataword = dataword << 1
	fsync = 1	' end of data frame
End Sub



	freq = 99000                    ' required frequency in Hz from AD9833
    calculateTuningWord(freq)		' required high and low words are in highWord and lowWord respectively after
                                    ' this call
    sendData($2100)					' reset the AD9833
    sendData(lowWord)				' LSB's of tuning word sent first
    sendData(highWord)				' MSB's of tuning word sent next
    sendData($8000)					' FREQ1 low word = 0000
    sendData($8000)					' FREQ1 high word = 0000
    sendData($C000)					' Phase register 0 = 0000
    sendData($E000)					' Phase register 1 = 0000
    sendData($2000)					' start the AD9833, sinusoidal output
