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SDFileSystem Date Modified

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 11:53 pm
by Senacharim
Well, I've lately gotten very comfortable with Swordfish. As far as I can tell, it offers me everything I wanted out of a C compiler and pre-compiler.

Previously, I was using Steve's SD Card library in Proton--good stuff. And lately I've switched to the new one in Swordfish. Primarily for its ability to work with FAT32 SD cards (and bless Steve for saving me the trouble of coding my own FAT32 SD card library).

The one thing I'm not finding how to do is set the "date modified" for a file. I suspect it's some small thing which I've overlooked. That being said, I've been up and down the public subs/functions and public variables and I'm just not seeing it. Please how may this be accomplished?

Thanks in advance.