USB and interrupts

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Joined: Thu Oct 22, 2009 9:07 pm

USB and interrupts

Post by madru » Thu Oct 22, 2009 9:20 pm

Good evening,

this is my 1st post in Swordfish forum, please have lenity with me :wink:

I played today the first time with the compiler, ... hours later .... I looked into the HID example and tried to modify it and added a 2nd timer. The new timer should drive a software clock but surprise surprise it doesn't work, the newly generated timer never fires. Reading through the forum I used a low priority interrupt but also with no success, after removing the usbhid.bas libaray the timer starts working. Can somebody give me a hint how to use multiple interrupts with USB?


Posts: 10
Joined: Thu Oct 22, 2009 9:07 pm

Re: USB and interrupts

Post by madru » Sat Oct 24, 2009 11:46 am

madru wrote:Good evening,

this is my 1st post in Swordfish forum, please have lenity with me :wink:

I played today the first time with the compiler, ... hours later .... I looked into the HID example and tried to modify it and added a 2nd timer. The new timer should drive a software clock but surprise surprise it doesn't work, the newly generated timer never fires. Reading through the forum I used a low priority interrupt but also with no success, after removing the usbhid.bas libaray the timer starts working. Can somebody give me a hint how to use multiple interrupts with USB?

madru is the code I used, any ideas?


Code: Select all

Dim T08BIT As T0CON.6
Dim T0CS   As T0CON.5
Dim T0SE   As T0CON.4
Dim PSA    As T0CON.3
Dim T0PS2  As T0CON.2
Dim T0PS1  As T0CON.1
Dim T0PS0  As T0CON.0

Code: Select all

Interrupt clock(iplow)
If TMR0IF = 1 Then 
    TMR0H = $15                                  // preset for Timer0 MSB register
    TMR0L = $A0                                  // preset for Timer0 LSB register

   If int_counter = 0 Then
      int_counter = Int_Total             ' count 100 interrupts @ 10000us = 1 second
      update = true                       ' update clock
   End If

  TMR0IF = 0                     // reset the interrupt flag 
  End If
End Interrupt

Code: Select all

Sub Initialize()
   INTCON = %10100000
                                        // Timer0 Registers:
                                        // 16-Bit Mode ; Prescaler=1:2
                                        // TMRH Preset = $15
                                        // TMRL Preset = $A0
                                        // Freq = 100.00Hz
                                        // Period = 10.00 ms
   TMR0ON = 1                           // Timer0 On/Off Control bit:1=Enables Timer0 / 0=Stops Timer0
   T08BIT = 0                           // Timer0 8-bit/16-bit Control bit: 1=8-bit timer/counter / 0=16-bit timer/counter
   T0CS = 0                             // TMR0 Clock Source Select bit: 0=Internal Clock (CLKO) / 1=Transition on T0CKI pin
   T0SE = 0                             // TMR0 Source Edge Select bit: 0=low/high / 1=high/low
   PSA = 0                              // Prescaler Assignment bit: 0=Prescaler is assigned; 1=NOT assigned/bypassed
   T0PS2 = 0                            // bits 2-0  PS2:PS0: Prescaler Select bits
   T0PS1 = 0             
   T0PS0 = 0
   TMR0H = $15                          // preset for Timer0 MSB register
   TMR0L = $A0                          // preset for Timer0 LSB register
   TMR0ON = 1                           // start Timer0
End Sub

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