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Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 1:58 pm
by ta1dr
Hi Nathan
I used your USB HID Keyboard for my homecocpit (microsoft flight simulator) thanks for share it but I want to know How can I send tree key
example:Ctrl+Shift+a or very popular ctrl+alt+del :wink:

best regards
I am Licensed User for SF

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 2:41 pm
by RangerBob
Hello Ahmet,

Glad you are getting some good use out of this code!

The Modifier keys are special in that they are sent in a different way to the others:

LeftCtrl = %00000001,
LeftShift = %00000010,
LeftAlt = %00000100,
LeftGUI = %00001000,
RightCtrl = %00010000,
RightShift = %00100000,
RightAlt = %01000000,
RightGUI = %10000000

For these you just need to send the OR'ed result of the keys you need in the modifier byte. I.e.

LeftShift = %00000010, LeftAlt = %00000100,

Setting the Modifier byte to %00000110 would send both a left shift and a left alt keypress.
example:Ctrl+Shift+a or very popular ctrl+alt+del
So using the example code you can send this for Ctrl+Shift+a:

Code: Select all

SendKey(a, (LeftShift Or LeftCtrl))
And the good ol'e three fingered salute is:

Code: Select all

SendKey(delete, (LeftCtrl Or LeftAlt))
For non modifier keys you just need to populate the Keyreport.Keyarray bytes. The example Sendkey subroutine does not support this, but you could very easily form the report yourself eg:

Code: Select all

// Send desired key
	KeyReport.Modifier	= none
	KeyReport.Reserved	= 0
	KeyReport.KeyArray0	= a
	KeyReport.KeyArray1	= b
	KeyReport.KeyArray2	= c
	KeyReport.KeyArray3	= d
	KeyReport.KeyArray4	= e
	KeyReport.KeyArray5	= f

Would send keys abcdef all together.

Hope this helps!


Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 4:36 pm
by ta1dr
Hello Nathan
many thanks for quickly answer and help

best regards

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 9:56 pm
by ta1dr
I tried Ctrl+Alt+delete it is not work I parse keyboarddefs file delete code is backspace I changed I hope you do not misunderstand me Nathan

Code: Select all

*  Name    : KeyboardDefs.BAS                                               *
*  Author  : Nathan Herbert                                                 *
*  Notice  : Copyright (c) 2009                                             *
*          : All Rights Reserved                                            *
*  Date    : 02/02/2009                                                     *
*  Version : 1.0                                                            *
*  Notes   :                                                                *
*          :                                                                *
Module KeyDefs

Public Const
	a 		= 4,
	b		= 5,		
 	c		= 6,
	d		= 7,
	e		= 8,
	f		= 9,
	g		= 10,
	h		= 11,
	i		= 12,
	j		= 13,
	k		= 14,
	l		= 15,
	m		= 16,
	n		= 17,
	o		= 18,
	p		= 19,
	q		= 20,
	r		= 21,
	s		= 22,
	t		= 23,
	u		= 24,
	v		= 25,
	w		= 26,
	x		= 27,
	y		= 28,
 	z		= 29,
 one		= 30,
 two		= 31,
 three		= 32,
 four		= 33,
 five		= 34,
 six 		= 35,
 seven		= 36,
 eight		= 37,
 nine		= 38,
 zero		= 39,
 enter		= 40,
 escape		= 41,
 bckspace	= 42,  '<------
 tab		= 43,
 spacebar	= 44,
 underscore	= 45,
 equals		= 46,
 leftbrace	= 47,
 rightbrace	= 48,
 backslash	= 49,
 hash		= 50,
 semicolon	= 51,

 comma		= 54,
 period		= 55,
 slash		= 56,
 capslock	= 57,
 f1			= 58,
 f2			= 59,
 f3			= 60,
 f4			= 61,
 f5			= 62,
 f6			= 63,
 f7			= 64,
 f8 		= 65,
 f9			= 66,
 f10		= 67,
 f11		= 68,
 f12		= 69,

 home		= 74,
 pageup		= 75,
 delete     = 76,  '<---- 
 pagedown	= 78,
 rightarrow	= 79,
 leftarrow	= 80,
 downarrow	= 81,
 uparrow	= 82,

// add numpad keys for mouse keys?

// Modifier bytes
None		= %00000000,
LeftCtrl	= %00000001,
LeftShift	= %00000010,
LeftAlt		= %00000100,
LeftGUI		= %00001000,
RightCtrl	= %00010000,
RightShift	= %00100000,
RightAlt	= %01000000,
RightGUI	= %10000000

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 9:07 am
by RangerBob
No, I understand, I called the Backspace key "Delete" and hadn't bothered to enter the actual "delete" key. Sorry about that, glad you figured it out. Will change the Wiki to reflect this.


Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 9:39 pm
by mktiger
hi RangerBob.
in first place usb device(keyboard) that i done is working properly. but after a period of time it does not work and disconnected from USB automaticly
best regards

Code: Select all

*  Name    : USB Keyboard demo.bas                                          *
*  Author  : Nathan Herbert                                                 *
*  Notice  : Copyright (c) 2008                                             *
*          : All Rights Reserved                                            *
*  Date    : 03/02/2009                                                     *
*  Version : 1.1                                                            *
*  Notes   : 1.0 First Revision                                             *
*          : 1.1 Updated to read back LED status                            *
*		   : 1.2 Now opens own wordpad window to show possibile uses		*
Up to 6 individual simultaneous keys can be pressed by using Keyarray 1 through 5
Alts, shift, ctrls etc are handled though modifer bytes. These can be combined by
ORing the required bytes together.

Clock = 48

// 20Mhz crystal, 48Mhz internal (FS USB)

//Config   PLLDIV = 5
//Config   CPUDIV = OSC1_PLL2
//Config   USBDIV = 2
//Config   FOSC = HSPLL_HS
//Config   VREGEN = ON

Config   MCLRE=OFF
#option HID_BUFFER_SIZE = 8
#option USB_DESCRIPTOR = "HIDKeyboardDesc-1.bas"

// Use with FSUSB Bootloader
//#option org_reset = $0800

Include "usbhid.bas"
Include "keyboarddefs.bas"

// Keyboard HID buffer 
Structure TKeyReport
	Modifier	 	As Byte 	// Modifer Byte
	Reserved		As Byte     // Reserved
	KeyArray0		As Byte		// Buttons Pushed
	KeyArray1		As Byte
	KeyArray2		As Byte
	KeyArray3		As Byte
	KeyArray4		As Byte
	KeyArray5		As Byte	
End Structure
Dim KeyReport As TKeyReport Absolute TXReportRAM

// Status LED structure
Structure TLedsReport
	_byte As Byte
	NumLock 		As _byte.0
	capslock 		As _byte.1
	ScrollLock		As _byte.2
	Compose			As _byte.3
	Kana			As _byte.4
	Const1			As _byte.5
	Const2			As _byte.6
	Const3			As _byte.7
End Structure
Dim LedsReport As TLedsReport Absolute RXReportRAM



* Name    : SendKey				                                               *
* Purpose : Sends Key Report  				                                   *
Sub SendKey(pKey As Byte, pModifier As Byte)

	// Send desired key
	KeyReport.Modifier	= pModifier
	KeyReport.Reserved	= 0
	KeyReport.KeyArray0	= pKey
	KeyReport.KeyArray1	= 0
	KeyReport.KeyArray2	= 0
	KeyReport.KeyArray3	= 0
	KeyReport.KeyArray4	= 0
	KeyReport.KeyArray5	= 0


	// Send Key Release
	KeyReport.Modifier	= 0
	KeyReport.Reserved	= 0
	KeyReport.KeyArray0	= 0
	KeyReport.KeyArray1	= 0
	KeyReport.KeyArray2	= 0
	KeyReport.KeyArray3	= 0
	KeyReport.KeyArray4	= 0
	KeyReport.KeyArray5	= 0


End Sub

* Name    : Main				                                               *
* Purpose : Main Routine  				                                   *
Sub Main()
While true
    If LedsReport.capslock=1 Then
        Select PORTB
            Case %11111110
                DelayMS (50)
                DelayMS (50)
                DelayMS (50)
                DelayMS (50)
            Case %11111101
                DelayMS (50)
                DelayMS (50)
                DelayMS (50)
                DelayMS (50)
			If  HID.DataAvailable Then
				// Bring Report into structure
				// Set LED 3 to show caps lock status

End Sub

* Name    : Program Start		                                               *
* Purpose : 				  				                                   *
// Wait for USB attach
Until HID.Attached

// Attached

// Let PC finish enumerating