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Subroutine Declaration order?

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2022 6:13 am
by Gunplumber
Hi Guys

I've noticed that the order of declaration of subroutines matters during compilation. If you reference a subroutine from inside a subroutine that is higher on the list, the compiler gives the error of "Identifier Not declared", which i guess makes sense because in the order of compilation the referenced sub does not yet exist.
This does present one issue however in that what if i wanted to have two subs that reference each other?


Code: Select all

sub A()
	B ()
end sub

Sub B()
end sub

This could never work as one would always be above the other? Is there a way around this?

Also is there a setting to show the subs after the main code or even hide them until you click on them? It gets rather tiresome to scroll past all the subs (which is the bulk of the code in most applications) to find the main body of code..


Re: Subroutine Declaration order?

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2022 11:53 am
by David Barker
Swordfish generally acts like "Turbo Pascal" or "Delphi" when it comes to scope and declaration order so yes, you normally need to declare something before use. You can override this behaviour using "prototype". For example:

Code: Select all

prototype sub subA()
prototype sub subB()

sub subA()
end sub

sub subB()
end sub

allows SubA() to call SubB() before it is declared. However, it is something I personally avoid as a top top algorithmic design approach usually negates the need to do that. But if you need to, prototype should work OK.

Also note that because Swordfish uses a compile time stack and not a runtime one, you still cannot perform any recursive calls. For example:

Code: Select all

prototype sub subA()
prototype sub subB()

sub subA()
end sub

sub subB()
end sub

will generate a circular reference error. Note that using a compile time stack is much more efficient with using 18F series architecture and that is why Swordfish uses it.

Your second question I think refers to code folding, which the IDE does not support. You could use a main() entry point sub and get to that quickly using the code explorer? For example:

Code: Select all

   // code here
end main

// call main
or use

Code: Select all

Inline Sub main()
End Sub
if a redundant calls bothers you...

Re: Subroutine Declaration order?

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2022 9:19 pm
by Gunplumber
Hi David

Thanks for the detailed reply. I suspected the use of "prototype" or similar for declaring subs but i couldn't find any reference to it in the help files.
Thanks also for your tips on dealing with the main code.. I think the "Inline sub" solution will work quite nicely. :D
Over all i really do like this compiler. I have come from old school Microsoft Quick Basic (and its modern counterpart QB64), so i feel right at home with Swordfish..


Re: Subroutine Declaration order?

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2022 9:36 am
by David Barker
Yes, the help file is a little outdated. Prototype was added early on but after the compiler release.

Thanks for your kind comments on the compiler...
